Jean-Baptiste Bres

Chief Information Security Officer


Action(s) might rise again

In my previous post, I was announcing the end of support of Action(s). I have been receving a lot of emails and message supporting Action(s) and some ideas to have this incredible tool continue to work and evolve.

Obviously, as I mentionned previously, I cannot continue to work on Action(s) in the current situation. I do not have time to do so. To be able to evolve, I should be able to dedicate part or full of my professional time to it. Due to my current job, part time is not an option, and full time would be possible only if Action(s) was actually creating an income, which it is not.

One of the solutions that have been suggested to me would be to try raising some funds via a crowdfunding platform. I like this idea. If I could raise enough funds to pay myself, I could dedicate myself full time to this project and update and upgrade Action(s) to a new level.
However, to be viable, such a solution would mean that, ultimately, Action(s) would also became a paying tool. Yes, not free anymore. Probably only a few dollars, but not free. Why? Because is Action(s) could rise thanks to crowfunding, a business model is also required to keep it aflow. People that helped with the funding would get a license for free, but new users, ultimately, would be what will make the tool running.

It would not need too much money to start. But I do not know yet if it would possible to raise it. I will be working on that in the coming months...

Feel free to share with me what you think about this idea, and also to let me know if you would be ready to participate to such a funding, to pay for the tool, or what new functionalities you would like to see to make this interresting...

End of support (at least for now)

Dear users,

[Update 21/12/2013] As a few users have been asking, Action(s) is now available as a standalone application at Make sure that you have Java installed.

It has been 4 years now since the introduction of Action(s). 4 great and interresting years. Action(s) has been downloaded over a million time and we got a lot of great feedback from all around the world!

Unfortunatelly, as for anything in the world, Action(s) needs time and money to live.

For time, I have unfortunatelly to admit that, though I have tried various options, I do not have any to spend on this project anymore. My real work - the one that pays my bills - is more and more demanding, which give me less time for my family and personal projects. Choises have to be made. Unfortunatelly I have to let down Action(s), at least for a while.

As per money, I was hoping that donations would help to pay the expenses associated with the development of Action(s): hosting, software etc. Unfortunately, over 4 years and with all the users that show support, donations have always remain very low. Not enough the pay the bills. Far from it.

It is therefore time to put the Action(s) project on hold. Hopefully not for ever, but for a while. The time for me to concentrate on my carreer and my family.

The project will remain online, but no more support or new version will be posted in the coming future. Our forum will also stay online. It will remain a place where users can assist each other.
I however remain open to hear you if you are interrested to take over the work under one form or another. Feel free to contact me.

Thanks again to all of you for your interrest, support, ideas, donations... It was a great time for me. Hopefully Action(s) has been usefull for you too.


Jean-Baptiste Bres